Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4-19-10 Finally, More Planting & Another Visitor

As promised I returned to the church to trim the plants in the tower entrance garden. Of course I ended up doing a lot more than that. When I started pulling some weeds away from the building I noticed the soil felt rich and perfect for planting. No wonder the weeds were thriving! How perfect then that I packed a bunch of my seed packets this time. I looked on all of the envelopes and found three flowers that like sun/partial shade. After clearing the weeds and loosening the soil a bit I planted a bunch of forget-me-nots,snowmen hybrid marigolds, and some cantebury bells.
I haven't done much gardening with seeds so this is going to be an experiment. I'm going to make sure to water the seeds every day as directed. I guess I should feed them as well. I'll have to remember to pack my Miracle Grow drops for watering tonight.  

  My mom brought some lily of the valley plants over on Saturday that had been graciously donated by her friend Diana. I didn't have time to plant them until yesterday though which didn't hurt them at all. Mom had put the plants in long planters with potting soil loosely packed around the roots and then watered them once she got them to the churchyard. I planted three of the heartier lillies on the far edge of the old chapel garden where there was a big space of nothing. I planted the rest of them in a row along the main garden on the side facing the pastor's parking space. I had a little help planting. One of the daycare teachers and her three sons were leaving as I was planting and the boys were eager to dig holes for the plants, look for worms in the holes, and then use the watering can to give the plants a drink when they were planted. It turns out these guys are doing a project about earthworms at school. They had a covered plastic box to collect them in and I think when we were done they had at least ten in there including a little baby one (not a segment of one I chopped in two by accident; I know my earthworms).

Anyways, This little guy is of course not a worm but he was the visitor I was talking about in the title. I'm pretty sure he's going to turn into a moth one day but I haven't been able to identify him yet. If anyone knows what he is then please leave that info in the comments section. I'm just amazed at how good these closeup pictures are turning out with my new camera. Thanks again to my mom for giving me the camera as a birthday gift this year. I used to be wary of digital cameras but now I am beginning to embrace them. Working on this blog definitely helps with that.

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