Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Break

As you probably already imagined, I am taking a nice long break from the garden during the winter. We had a few warm days earlier in the month that I took advantage of. Two of the hose reels were still out in the open so I wheeled them up to the shed for safe keeping. I also got a lot of weeds pulled around the children's garden and I pulled up that black stuff that was put down to discourage weeds. I won't go into how much I dislike that stuff. It's gone out of that garden and the kitchen garden near the elevator entrance which makes me happy. I would rather keep the weeds down with mulch for right now. When I was finished, the flower beds looks clean and ready for planting in the spring.

Speaking of the spring, I can't wait for the first couple of warm days when the crocus I planted on the hill will bloom and welcome people to worship. I also planted some purple and white tulips around the cross in front of the church that should be in full bloom around Easter. Before the grass gets long enough to mow, I need to put a border up around the tulips and daffodils that I planted last year around the church sign. My other main focus is to get the brambles and vines out of the one patch of garden as people first turn in to the driveway. It has been the bane of my gardening since I started working the soil up there. Someone told me I might need to dig way down to get the roots of the vines. But, I would just be happy if the first foot deep of soil were vine-free.

I might have to rent a tiller at some point which kind of scares me. Those are powerful machines that are very capable of maiming and injuring a person. My friend's dad had one when I was growing up and we borrowed it once to till up the soil for a new kitchen garden. I remember it took a lot of strength to really work the soil with it. I also remember the tiller having problems with rocks. I have a healthy fear of rocks being shot out of the ground by a tiller. Maybe I'll get one of the men to help me if I go through with that idea.

Other than gardening I have been filling the winter months with other service work. I'm still helping out at adoption days with the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation . Holding kittens is good for the soul. I've also been crocheting up a storm making baby hats and granny squares for the American Indians on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. A lady collects the squares and stitches them together to make blankets. The hats go to the hospital and are used for the newborns. They also accept warm clothing items for people of all ages and sizes living on the rez. I've been to that reservation when I was working for the Center of Military History and I've met the people and seen the poverty firsthand. We attended one of their veteran's powwows and were welcomed by everyone in attendance which was really cool. I still have the pen that they gave me with the beaded band around it. Finally, I'm interviewing with the county to start visiting with older folks in the area. They also run the Meals on Wheels program and other services to help out seniors. As soon as I can catch my breath I want to start back stuffing care packages at the USO.

I hope everyone out there had a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year!

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