Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pumpkins for Sale and Planting the Pansies

So the annual church pumpkin sale is on. The prices are really reasonable so I think I'll get my pumpkin from the church again this year. Plus, they have more varieties than the grocery store so I can't really lose.

While people are perusing the pumpkins I have been trying to make the church pretty with new flowers. I put in some pansies in the areas on either side of the elevator entrance. I also got some mums and put those in the pots flanking the doors. For the shepherd hooks I bought some hanging baskets and put violas in two of them and a mum and pansies in the third one. Then I put the single hook near the tower entrance and the double one near the elevator entrance.

I decided that I wanted to put as many perennials in the memorial garden as possible. That area is a pain to haul the hose over to and is also the hottest garden bed in the whole churchyard. I got some daisies and some purple flowering plants to go with the purple pin cushion flowers and pink bee balm. I think I need some more color in there. I may look for something to add in. I think I saw just the plants I need at Lowes last night. But I better get what I have planted first.

I also bought a ton of garden soil. I'm mixing it in when I plant the new perennials. I'm also going to mix a couple of bags of it in the children's garden to prepare the ground for next year. I want to plant more veggies next year like green beans, peas, eggplant, squash, and of course more tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. I don't think I'll plant anything that trails all over the place like watermelon again. The vines tend to get trampled. I might do strawberries though and see if they'll take over this one barren hill near the day school entrance. I really dislike that space right now including the weird mushroom cloud, half-dead boxwood that inhabits the area. I tried putting in bee balm plants but I think they don't get enough water there. That space needs a hearty plant that will spread out but won't be as destructive as ivy. I'll have to think about that.

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