Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Party's Over - Let's Garden!

So the wedding went well. There were no major disasters and everyone seemed to have a really great time. It really was one heck of a party.

It's been hard to get back into my gardening now that the wedding is over. the weeds are starting to take over again and I can't seem to drag myself up to the churchyard to do anything about it. I did go up and harvest the head of the sunflower. the petals were dry and falling off and the head was drooping so I figured I would cut it off and hang it up at home to dry. If all goes well then I will have a ton of sunflower seeds to plant and eat.

I also tried harvesting one of the watermelons that was getting really big. but when I cut it open it was still mostly white inside. So I guess I will need to be patient for a little while longer for the rest of the melons to grow and mature. I find it amusing that watermelons are seen as a summer fruit when they mature in the late summer and early fall. If anyone can explain that to me I would love to know why that is.

Soon it will be mum and pansy season. I'll also need to mulch everywhere and maybe edge the beds around the church sign so my spring bulbs aren't mowed down again. I was hoping to plant some bulbs around the cross also. I need to find some lavender tulips. I think someone mentioned that they had a big bag of crocus bulbs. Those would be fun to put in the lawn. They usually come up way before the guy starts mowing (and killing my plants).

Sad news, the evergreen trees I planted in the big pots on the patio have died. I think it was too hot and sunny for them up there. I might try something a little more hearty and better suited for our Virginia summers. I was thinking boxwood or something of the like. I'll ask at the nursery. The vinca I planted with the evergreens has grown out of control. They almost make up for the hulking dead trees behind them. I'll wait to pull the trees out until the vinca has gone for the winter. I might just keep annuals up there but I like the look of an evergreen or shrub flanking the doors. I guess I'll try shrubs and if they don't work then we'll go to annuals.

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