Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Drenched to the Bone

This heat and humidity is trying to kill me! I went to Home Depot on Sunday after church to buy some small trees or shrubs to go in the big pots I got on sale at Target to flank the main, upstairs entrance doors. I wasn't outside more than 10 or 15 minutes and I felt like I was going to faint. I did manage to purchase two spruce trees, four plants with trailing vines to put at the base of the trees and four pink impatiens for seasonal color between the vines plants. I also grabbed two delphinium because I love them and they were on sale and some flowering tree that doesn't get too big and loves the sunshine.

So I went inside to checkout so I could cool off and get something cold to drink. That helped a bit but I started to get overheated again when I had to put everything in my car in the hot parking lot. I tried going to Target on the way home to see if there was anything else on sale for the garden. But, the lines were long and I was starting to really feel like I might faint. I'm sure I was turning pale. I managed to get home and I cracked the window for the spruce trees which were lying down in my back seat. I left the other plants in the trunk, parked in the shade, and hoped for the best. It took me two Nalgene bottles of water and a three hour nap to feel like myself again. That heat is awful and I was definitely not prepared.

I managed to offload the plants later that night as the sun was going down. It was still really hot and humid but at least the sun wasn't high in the sky making it worse.

Yesterday I mustered the will to plant almost everything. I drank a lot of liquids before I went to the garden. I also had a light dinner and I dressed in lose and lightweight clothing. With me was my Nalgene bottle with a mix of water and Gatorade. I started with the delphinium which I put behind the geraniums in the tower garden. I learned from the tag that the delphiniums will come back next year which is awesome. I might have to go back and get another one to really fill out that area. After that relatively easy job I started working on the big pots for the main entrance. I began by filling the pots one-third full with soil from the compost pile near the garden shed. Then I mixed in potting soil and put the spruce trees in the pots and arranged the other plants around them and filled in the empty space with more potting soil. I had to take a lot of breaks while planting these pots. It seemed like such easy and quick work until I started doing it. By the time I was finished I was exhausted and drenched in sweat. But the pots look really good and I'm happy with the finished product. It was dark when I finished and past 9pm. The humidity was still very high which made it feel much hotter than it was. I can't tell you how happy I was to get home and be back in the air conditioning and to get cleaned up. I definitely do not take A/C and running water for granted! Be careful out there in the heat and I will do the same! 

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