So I went inside to checkout so I could cool off and get something cold to drink. That helped a bit but I started to get overheated again when I had to put everything in my car in the hot parking lot. I tried going to Target on the way home to see if there was anything else on sale for the garden. But, the lines were long and I was starting to really feel like I might faint. I'm sure I was turning pale. I managed to get home and I cracked the window for the spruce trees which were lying down in my back seat. I left the other plants in the trunk, parked in the shade, and hoped for the best. It took me two Nalgene bottles of water and a three hour nap to feel like myself again. That heat is awful and I was definitely not prepared.
Yesterday I mustered the will to plant almost everything. I drank a lot of liquids before I went to the garden. I also had a light dinner and I dressed in lose and lightweight clothing. With me was my Nalgene bottle with a mix of water and Gatorade. I started with the delphinium which I put behind the geraniums in the tower garden. I learned from the tag that the delphiniums will come back next year which is awesome. I might have to go back and get another one to really fill out that area. After that relatively easy job I started working on the big pots for the main entrance. I began by filling the pots one-third full with soil from the compost pile near the garden shed. Then I mixed in potting soil and put the spruce trees in the pots and arranged the other plants around them and filled in the empty space with more potting soil. I had to take a lot of breaks while planting these pots. It seemed like such easy and quick work until I started doing it. By the time I was finished I was exhausted and drenched in sweat. But the pots look really good and I'm happy with the finished product. It was dark when I finished and past 9pm. The humidity was still very high which made it feel much hotter than it was. I can't tell you how happy I was to get home and be back in the air conditioning and to get cleaned up. I definitely do not take A/C and running water for granted! Be careful out there in the heat and I will do the same!
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