Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Old Rugged Cross

So, last Fall I undertook the challenge to create a giant cross on the front lawn that faces Belle View Boulevard. Celeste had approached me about planting some tulip bulbs she had bought into the shape of a cross. I of course said yes. So I got to work with string and popsicle sticks to plot out the size and outline of the cross. Then I got a shovel and dug out the grass and mixed garden soil in with the existing soil. Since it was Fall, I bought some violas  in purple and white to fill in around the bulbs to give color during the winter. Now, as you can see in the picture, the cross has bloomed and it's gorgeous if I do say so myself. There are three kinds of daffodil bulbs planted that bloom in early, mid, and late spring so there will be color for a little longer. I don't think they will last until Easter but you never know.

The tulips that I planted around the wooden cross have started to grow and bloom. I put some purple violas at the base of the cross to add some winter color. They go perfectly with the tulips and they also look gorgeous and welcoming.

I started trimming the liriope and other decorative grasses on Saturday. It's going to take at least one more day to finish with that. I have a ton of weeding to do as well before I can start preparing the children's garden for the veggie plants. I bought a few veggies at the hardware store this past weekend including tomatoes and corn. I also started the seedlings to grow green beans, lima beans, peas, cucumbers, and egg plants. Then I'll find pepper plants at the plant nursery next month. Hopefully it will be a good growing year. If it's as hot as last summer, the tomatoes will do really well. We shall see I guess. For now I need to focus on prepping the gardens and worry about the summer later.

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