Thursday, March 8, 2012

3-8-12 Early Spring - Gearing up for Summer

So, I didn't get as much of a winter break from the garden as in most years. Winter didn't really hit us or at least it didn't hit us hard. We only had a few hard frosts and it didn't really snow. With spring coming sooner this year, I need to hurry to get my seedlings started. I have the starter soil and trays but haven't made the time to get everything started. I also want to buy some bush green bean seeds to plant and possibly some peas. I might have waited too late for the peas though. They probably should have gone in at the end of last month. We shall see.

On my list of things to do in the garden is to get the beds ready for spring and summer planting. I bought some Preen weed preventor to shake into the flower beds. I don't want to be out there pulling weeds when the summer temperatures are near 100 with 100% humidity. On top of that I need to start mixing in garden soil and compost in the veggie garden beds and trim or pull out the old plants. When that's finally finished I can tend to planting new hanging baskets and putting some spring color in with the pansies. I've heard snapdragons will do good in the spring and I know they go through the summer. So I might see if they have those in at the garden center yet. Finally, I need to trim the decorative grasses so they will grow big and bushy again and not look as scraggily for the spring.

My one big improvement this growing season will be to add some planter boxes along the railing on the main entrance porch that faces the street. I want to have all sorts of colors and textures in the boxes so people see them from the street and know that the people of MVUMC care about their church and want to welcome new people in. I also want to plant small shrubs and flowers in the giant pots that used to house the two evergreens that fried a few summers ago. I need to unearth the giant root balls from them first which is why I wimped out and didn't plant anything permanent in there last year. 

As a side project, I had offered to paint the pillars in the fellowship hall this spring. Every time I look at the blue sponge painted pillars I can't help but think of my sister's room back in middle school in the late 80's or early 90's. Needless to say, the fellowship hall looks dated and not as welcoming as it could be. My mom is worried that after I paint the pillars, the rest of the walls and chair railing will look like they need new paint. That's a risk I'm willing to take. I haven't decided on a shade yet but I'm thinking of an off-white with a touch of yellow and brown in it so that it's cheery and warm but not in your face.

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