Thursday, May 20, 2010

Topsy Turvy Children's Garden

I started work in the children's garden that lines the playground. So far I installed three Topsy Turvy planters on shepherd hooks. Two planters have tomato plants and the third has cucumbers. I had two extra cucumber plants so I planted them in the ground on either side of the topsy turvy as an experiment. Then I planted some marigolds around the shepherd hook with the tomato plants to add color and to deter pests. On my trip home from the beach this past weekend I bought some watermelon plants and I am going to plant those today since it has finally stopped raining.

Last week I also added some flower pots outside of the old chapel entrance. There were only empty pots stacked on either side of the door before. I just hope that people don't put their cigarette butts in my plants like they did in the empty old pots. I might have to put a pot with sand in it and a little scooper for the smokers. If you can't beat 'em you might as well give 'em a sanitary and acceptable place to extinguish their cigarettes. After planting the pots I ended up with an extra pink flowering plant who's name slips my mind. So I planted it on the edge of the main garden to add some color until the Dahlias start to flower.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5-4-10 Rearranging Things

So a little bad news, the seedlings I was telling you guys about don't appear to be coming in next to the tower entrance. I don't think they got enough water. Oh well, it was an experiment anyways. Growing things from seeds has always been a challenge for me.

I decided that instead of leaving that spot bare for another week that I would move two of the geraniums from the elevator entrance and the snapdragons from the big planters over to the tower entrance. In place of the snapdragons, I planted Martha Washington geraniums which go nicely, if not mono-chromatically, with the violet violas that are already in there.

After all of the planting, I walked around to check on the other flowerbeds. I found an orange gerbera daisy growing next to the mushroom-cloud-shaped boxwood. It doesn't look real but it is a nice touch of color in an otherwise boring patch of garden. The irises are also blooming right now in the main garden. They're gorgeous while they last which is not very long. It's a pity really. There are a couple of other things blooming right now but I don't know what they are so I couldn't tell you here.

The lilies of the valley are settling in okay. I might lose one or two of them. But, the beauty of lilies of the valley is that they multiply each year. So, in a few years that whole patch of garden will be filled. I also noticed the dahlias coming up. I haven't seen the freesia but it might not be warm enough for them yet or I might have not planted them right. I'm not sure what echinacea looks like when it sprouts so I couldn't tell you if that is coming up yet or not. It might not be getting enough sun now that the tree has leaves.

Stay tuned for my next post which should be about the children's garden. I am hoping to get that all worked out this month.